I’m a researcher in the field of Geo Visual Analytics and AI-based analysis approaches, and the HCI and UX of such systems. My research interests specifically include human-centered Machine Learning and AI for Situational-awareness, usability and user interaction of visual analytics systems, and uncertainty & user-trust on such systems.

I received my PhD in Computer & Information Engineering from the University of Konstanz, where the focus of my research was centered on the user interaction and the user trust in AI approaches, in context of the the Visual Analytics knowledge generation process for geographic data.

Below you can find references to some of my publications in these areas.


Currently, I'm looking for MSc or BSc students to do their thesis with me in the above described area of interests. Please contact me via Linkedin (hansi-senaratne) if you are interested.


PhD Dissertation

Senaratne, H.: Uncertainty-aware Visual Analytics for Spatio-temporal Data Exploration, 2017 (Published version available here)

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

Peer-reviewed Conference & Workshop Publications

Poster Publications 

Book Chapters & Technical Reports

Invited Talks & Academic Visits


This is a list of courses that I co-lectured and tutored while working at the University of Konstanz.